
What is an Empath?

Empaths and highly sensitive people

An empath is a highly sensitive person who can sense the world through intuition, sensing what people around them are feeling and their dis-ease. They embody the feelings and energy of others. Empaths are described by Psychologists as people with heightened levels of empathy towards people who are experiencing pain and discomfort.

Being an empath albeit a great gift to have, it comes at a cost. Quite often the sensory overload they experience, can be extremely overwhelming and often they take on other’s emotions as their own. If a person is anxious or uncomfortable, an empath can feel this strongly within their body. They can think the feelings are their own. This can cause great confusion or pain, especially if two minutes prior to meeting another person, they were feeling completely fine.

The sensory overload for an empath means they tend to (or need to) spend a lot of time alone and therefore can feel lonely and isolated from the world.

Caring individuals

You will find empaths to be kind and overly caring individuals and want the best for everyone they meet and want the world to be a place of harmony. These traits, however, can be taken for granted, misunderstood or even abused.

They are known to attract people with Personality Disorders and Narcissists. This is due to sensing their sensitivity and wanting to love and help. Narcissists are generally out to take and suck a partner of all their positivity and love, in order to make themselves feel good and powerful, depleting an empath of their balance and spirit.

Therefore, narcissists are known to also be highly sensitive by nature, but with extreme low self-esteem. Empaths can’t bear the thought of anyone being better than them or having more than them. As a result, they home into empaths for their need of affection and to appear to others that they are good people and will calculatedly think that any negative beliefs others have about them, will be squashed.

Empaths are givers on every level, they want the best for you and the world around them.

How do you know if you’re an Empath?

Furthermore, empaths are labelled as aloof or too sensitive. This in fact is because they can see through the bullshit, and inauthenticity. They equally need love and connection, so hope for people to be the same, and always look for the good in people.

Empath traits

  • Do you feel a heaviness when you meet certain people?
  • Overwhelm in public places?
  • Effective listener and communicator?
  • Sensitivity to TV, Radio and violence?
  • Prone to illness within your throat or stomach?
  • Have you felt an overwhelming energy penetrate your chest?
  • Do your ears start to buzz when you are listening to certain people talk?
  • You drink or eat too much to numb out the sensory overload?
  • Do you suffer from depression or Mood swings?
  • Been diagnosed with ADHD or Autism spectrum?
  • Have you got bright and sparkly eyes? More often to be bright blue with an extra powerful left eye
  • Do people avoid you?
  • Do you get told you have a huge presence?

How to manage your powerful ability

Above all, being an empath is not an easy task. It takes a lot of self-care. Ensuring you have regular detoxes from toxins, phones, processed foods and even people.

A regular exercise regime, journaling and surrounding yourself with authentic people who want the best for you. People you can be honest with, eating a balanced diet, crystal protection, essential oils and time to meditate.

Ground yourself

As and empath myself, I have struggled for many years to understand what is my stuff vs that of others. The one thing that has saved my life and allowed me to sit in crippling social situations has been holding crystals in my palm. Crystals not only have natural healing properties, they also act as a grounding tool that offers me the feeling of safety and have an amazing calming effect, which allows me to centre myself to deal with any overwhelming situation.

Bayaah Bands

Bayaah Bands were created on the back of this discovery. I always wanted to have a crystal on me that was discreet and accessible to hold. The bands are cool to look at, and you can choose a crystal according to your situation or day ahead and take the hand cut crystal in and out throughout the day, to wear or hold them tight.

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