Our Story

About Bayaah


Jenna and Anabella

Founders of Bayaah Crystals

At Bayaah, we are on a mission to raise consciousness and help aid your healing and wellbeing journey. We offer holistic healing through Counselling and Psychotherapy, Mental Health and Wellbeing Retreats, and our own design of Crystal bracelets, which harness the natural healing and protection properties of crystals, raise your vibrations, and contribute to positive emotional wellbeing.

We believe that emotional wellbeing should be looked upon as important as your physical body and health.

Bayaah – Pronounced Bay – aah; is a business that offers full mind and body healing through retreats, an online Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy service, and we have designed hand cut crystal bracelets for crystal lovers and those looking to support their emotional well-being. Our bracelets aim to raise your vibrations and offer a grounding tool for everyday wear to help support you through the journey of life.

Hi, and thank you for visiting our site. I am Jenna Ledward, the founder of Bayaah. I am passionate about mental health, alternative healing, nature and raising collective consciousness. I started my career in the corporate world, working for the pharmaceutical industry, before embarking on a career in the Middle East, running my own recruitment business.

It came to a point where I felt life was just about making money and realised my soul was not aligned or fulfilled. I decided to take the brave decision to throw my life up to the universe and quit my business. I set off around the world, on a journey of soul searching, healing and self-discovery. This led me to dig deep, break beyond words, and finally led myself to various healing modalities which allowed me to reconnect to parts of myself I had been disassociated from for many years.

Through this gruelling journey, I realised I was able to heal my childhood traumas, reconnect with my inner child, find my authentic self and discovered I had an inner strength and high level of empathy and compassion, that makes me the healer that I am today. I found that my soul purpose was to help others and be a guide and teacher to help with the worlds suffering.

I have attended various retreats around the world and since qualified as a holistic practitioner in Reiki, NLP, Coaching, Tantra Healing and now completed a BSc Hons in Humanistic and Integrative Counselling and Psychotherapy. I am extremely passionate about helping others with their root of suffering, which is mostly connected to childhood trauma, generational trauma, and highly dysregulated nervous systems. The mind and body is fully connected, and without awareness and treatment, this is what leads to poor physical health and mental health suffering.

I am a solo Mumma to a beautiful ray of sunshine, Anabella. She is my inspiration and has given my world purpose. She has enabled me to reconnect to love and my inner child which I had ignored for many years.

As her mum and being highly attuned, I noticed how aware Anabella was of other people’s emotions from the age of one. She is extremely sensitive to other people’s energy, moods, and lack of authenticity, as I am too.

Having already discovered that I am sensitive and identify as an Empath, I am always researching for ways that will help contribute towards self-care, energy protection and general mind and body well-being. I am an advocate of not only talking based therapy, but also alternative therapies such as crystal healing, reiki, plant medicine, yoga, meditation, and breath work.

Scientific research shows, that in fact we have twenty-one senses not just six. It is likely that those who struggle with overwhelm and energetic overload, are more susceptible to feeling others struggles and can read nonverbal communication. Also learning I have having ADHD later in life, has led me to understand that this condition is linked to heightened sensitivity, nervous system dysregulation, and that I see the world from a wider perspective than a neuro typical, which contributed to my feelings of not fitting in, anxiety and depression battles.

Some of us have a stronger internal antenna than others, this could be the older soul, or cause heightened sensitivity to other’s feelings, lack of authenticity and can create a struggle with energetic overload as part of everyday life. This can be debilitating and exhausting, along with heightened dysregulation, which is wear addiction, and other unhealthy survival strategies take over.

My own struggles and research have shown me that when you ignore your inner voice and emotional well-being, it can lead to depression, anxiety, or other physical symptoms such as IBS, gynaecological issues, back pain, headaches and even Cancer.

My Crystal Passion

I was always a lover and collector of crystals from a young age and have been an advocate in later years. We have a large collection scattered around our home, I carry them around in my purse and use them in our baths. When looking for a safe crystal accessory for Anabella to wear, I could only find amber teething jewellery. I believe these to be great but limited to Amber and wanted an alternative healing powers to choose from, hence why I designed our bracelets.

I believe additional protection for our little ones in the overwhelming society we live in, is vital and I believe any parent would go to any length to keep their babies as protected and safe as possible.

This led me to develop Bayaah as a wellbeing brand, starting with the idea of bracelets. The name Bayaah was inspired by Anabella. She was not able to pronounce her name when she first started talking and she called herself Bayaah.

Bayaah has been created for adults and children. It has been designed as a go to hub for all your wellbeing advise, parenting tips, as well as the crystals bands to be used as a tool to discuss your feelings and to give you an easy wearing crystal holder, with an option to be able to take out and hold your stone in times of stress or overwhelm.

We aim to contribute towards improved wellbeing with the aid of our unique design, by using one of earth’s natural gifts. We hope to raise awareness to the importance of discussing your feelings, mental health and raise your vibrations at the same time. All designs have been created to be resilient for everyday wear.

All Bayaah products are ethically sourced and made, using natural crystals and 100% non- toxic food grade silicone. They have been tested to meet global safety standards (e.g. European CE marked, UK EN71, FDA, Australia/New Zealand ISO 8124). We ensure nothing nasty is used which means that our products are BPA Free and contain no lead, latex, PVC, or phthalates. We pride ourselves in offering only the best quality materials and complete customer satisfaction.

You and your little ones will love the colourful bands and interchangeable crystal choices. Choose a crystal depending on how you are feeling and/ or what day you have ahead, then trust your choice to bring about positive energy and appropriate protection.

Future Aims

I am now wanting to share my learnings and healing techniques with others, and have collaborated with some wonderful, awakened healers I have met on my journey, to be able to offer retreats in some wonderful spots around the world, and an online therapy service, offering counselling and Psychotherapy to those seeking a deeper understanding of themselves, healing and wanting to find fulfilled relationships and inner peace.

Thank you for visiting our much-loved and hand-crafted business, we hope you love our wellbeing offerings, therapy services and crystal Bayaah bracelets as much as we do.

With Love


We would love to hear from you and post any wellbeing blogs or tips you would like to share with the world. Please email us at info@bayaah.com

Our Philosophy

At Bayaah, we recognise the importance of emotional wellbeing, self-love, and communication.

We believe that the mind and body is connected to the point that body speaks the mind. If you are suffering with Eczema or skin issues for example, you have an under lying irritation or emotions that you are suppressing and ignoring. Same with IBS or stomach issues, you are ignoring your intuition and emotional suffering.  Neuroscience research is all pointing to the fact we are all connected through energy, and that your nervous system development and ability to self-regulate is affected by misattunement from early caregivers and developmental trauma. Therefore, we have created a therapy offering, with highly trained individuals, who offer an integrative approach to your needs, to be able to explore your inner world, in a safe and confidential space. This could be face to face or online, depending on location.  Are wellbeing retreats are individually designed to offer a full range of healing options, along with freshly prepared food, a chance to meet likeminded individuals, who are all on a journey of self-discovery, healing and are looking to gain balance and harmony in their lives.

We also believe in the importance of self-care routines and that crystals should be part of this. The retreats offer you a beautiful space to unwind, reconnect yourself to love and recharge. We teach a variety of techniques that will stay with you forever and offer you the chance to dig deeper into your internal world through a range of different classes and healing activities.

The power of crystals is historic. They are known to have excellent natural healing properties that contribute towards wellbeing, energy protection and are great tools to wear and hold to raise your vibrations. After all, the world and all of us in it are all energy.

Using crystals in everyday life, whether for use in business, at home, or to send your child to school with, they are your constant reminder that you are supported through life and give you the option to hold your stone at times of heightened stress or overwhelm.

Quantum physics explains we are all energy and ancient history talks about the power of doing the inner work and using crystals, even the Bible mentions crystal power. Celebrities such as Oprah Winfrey, The Beckham Family, Kate Hudson, Heidi Klum, Gwyneth Paltrow, Katy Perry, Sheryl Crow are all on the journey of healing, and are using crystals in their daily self-care routines. Many are also believing in the power of Plant Medicine for accessing deeper layers of consciousness and promoting healing, as we do too.

Our belief is that we are constantly evolving as humans. We are born blank canvas’s however generational trauma and developmental trauma gets stuck on a cellular level, effecting our relationships with our self and others. Navigating relationships with unresolved suffering, is the hardest part of life’s journey and the main thing that we need to stay well. We all have so many emotions which we tend to avoid, until a point of crisis. Our full range of wellbeing options, whether it is a retreat you would like to gift yourself, the offering of talking psychotherapy, or the option of crystals, no one we know regrets starting their healing journey.  Crystals alone are one of mother earth’s natural gifts, offering natural healing power.

We have been living in a world where our ancestors see it as weakness to admit of face life’s struggles, traumas, and feelings. Life is a journey with many difficult roads, the stresses of keeping up with the modern day, materialism and image worries are over riding the simple things in life. Love, the power of vulnerability and expression.

We are seeing more and more struggles with low self-esteem, behavioural issues, anxiety, depression, addiction, cancers, self-harming, cosmetic surgery obsessions, and people living in a generally miserable existence. The statistics show one in six people suffer with anxiety or depression. Let us help you to reconnect with your authentic self, find balance and self-love. We believe in learning to help support each other, be kind and more loving towards one another, to bring more peace and love to the world.