Join the Bayaah Wellbeing Hub

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About the Hub

The Bayaah Wellbeing Hub has been created to give you tips and inspiration on parenting, relationships, mindfulness, spirituality, love, self care, therapy options and overall emotional wellness.

The hub will send you monthly emails with offers, discounts, meditations, guides to crystals, and information on how your body speaks your mind.

Parenting — raising mindful, healthy kids doesn’t always look picture-perfect. We will bring some real-life blogs and expert advice on how to try and be a conscious parent.

Relationships — central to our well-being: a source of safety, comfort, pleasure, joy and growth. We will bring tips on how to strengthen and enjoy the have the right relationships.

Love — what makes the world go around. Without love, we have nothing. Find it, grow it, repair it, and celebrate it with advice and real-life blogs from real people.

Mindfulness — a way of being. Learn to instil presence into your life, intention, and awareness into everything you do.

See What People Are Saying

I love my Bayaah crystal band, it’s discreet yet keeps me connected. My feelings of panic, stress and worry are reduced when wearing this close on my wrist.
Elysa Sturley

Having gone through a few horrible breakups and feeling despair, angry and hurt my friend introduced me to crystal healing.  I have since been using the amazing bands so that the healing powers of the different crystals can help me get through these sad moments.

Edward Lant

Bayaah crystals have helped keep me grounded whilst I’m either at home or on the move. I struggle from anxiety and the Amethyst crystal keeps me calm and balanced.  I am an emotional being so the different interchanging crystals allow me to overcome feelings when they arise.

Lucy Robson
Our children absolutely adore their bracelets. They are particularly special in that they each have a crystal that will help them in their own unique way. They are wonderful gifts! They each have two different colour bands that are so very comfortable to wear. What a great idea to support our little ones. Certainly it is an idea to embrace. We cannot recommend these enough!
Annie Nelson