Bayaah Crystal Bands

What do you need?

Our Story

We believe that emotional wellbeing should be looked upon as important as your physical body and health. Bayaah – Pronounced Bay – aah; is a business that offers full mind and body healing through retreats, an online Humanistic and Integrative Psychotherapy service, and we have designed hand cut crystal bracelets for crystal lovers and those looking to support their emotional well-being. Our bracelets aim to raise your vibrations and offer a grounding tool for everyday wear to help support you through the journey of life.

We believe in the importance of self-care routines and that crystals should be part of this. Our retreats offer you a beautiful space to unwind, reconnect yourself to love and recharge. We teach a variety of techniques that will stay with you forever and offer you the chance to dig deeper into your internal world through a range of different classes and healing activities.

We know how hard it can be sometimes just growing up. There are so many big feelings and emotions that can get confusing. Being small or being tall, having a loud voice or a quiet one, being a sensitive soul or feeling like you need to pretend everything is ok. Bayaah understands all these things and wants your band to be there to help you speak up, stand tall and be proud of who you are.

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